Natural Ways to Strengthen Your Libido

Nov 4, 2023


how to improve male and female libido

Boost Your Bedroom Drive

  As adults, it's normal for our levels of interest in sex and intimacy to fluctuate at different stages of life. However, for some people a lowered libido becomes an issue that negatively impacts quality of life and relationships. If you've been wanting to turn up the heat in the bedroom but aren't sure where to start, don't panic. There are lots of healthy, natural ways you can support your body's limbic system and get your mojo back without prescription medications.

Let's break it down by gender and look at some straightforward tips backed by science that may help boost things under the sheets. I'll share insights from my own experience experimenting with more holistic remedies and lifestyle adjustments over the years. With some trial and error, you're bound to discover what works best for your individual needs. And remember - be patient and kind with yourself. Changes often happen gradually as you reduce stress and make wellness a priority. 

Improving Male Libido Naturally

For men, libido is driven to a large extent by circulating testosterone levels. While certain medical conditions may lower your T, more often lifestyle factors are the culprit.

Here are some research-backed lifestyle tweaks worth a shot:

  1. Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise improves blood flow throughout the body, including to the pelvic region. It also boosts testosterone and reduces cortisol - the stress hormone. Aim for 150 minutes per week through activities you enjoy. Skip intense workouts close to bedtime though.
  2. Manage your stress levels. Chronic stress throws hormones out of whack and can plummet libido. Make relaxation a part of your routine with things like meditiation, deep breathing, yoga or a hobby you find engrossing. I notice a big difference on my stress levels when I get out in nature or spend quality time with friends.
  3. Eat a nutrition-dense diet. Focus on whole, minimally processed foods - lots of fresh produce, healthy fats like avocados and nuts, quality proteins, etc. Your diet can either support or sabotage hormone production. I always feel my best when I eat clean.
  4. Get quality shut-eye. Aim for 7-9 hours nightly. When I'm sleep deprived, I have zero interest in intimacy. Make your bedroom conducive to quality sleep - dim lights, no screens, soft music. Melatonin or CBD can help too if you have trouble winding down.
  5. Limit alcohol intake. While a beer or glass of red may help unwind, too much booze dehydrates and disrupts hormone levels long term. I prefer herbal teas or calming cocktails on weekends now.
  6. Quit smoking if you do. Like alcohol, tobacco directly harms circulation and promotes inflammation over time.
  7. Consider maca root or tribulus supplementation. Research suggests these herbal supplements may support testosterone production when stress and lifestyle factors are optimized first. Chat with your doctor or naturopath before starting any new supplements.
  8. Give sexual intimacy a priority. Beyond hormones, interest often wanes when we're too busy or distracted by screens. Carve out quality couple time each week without devices to reconnect. 

Boosting Female Libido Naturally 

 For women, libido ebbs and flows depending on hormones, stress levels, self-esteem and relationship dynamics.

The following suggestions may help:

  1. Manage stress and anxiety. High cortisol from daily stresses can dampen arousal and sensitivity. Like guys, relaxation techniques are key for us gals too - yoga, meditation, massage, baths. I've found journaling especially relieving for processing feelings.
  2. Get quality sleep. Women's bodies produce more sex hormones at night while sleeping, so ensure you protect sleep hygiene. Melatonin can help reset your circadian rhythm if needed.
  3. Address thyroid and hormonal imbalances. Issues like low thyroid, PCOS, peri-menopause or other concerns that disrupt hormones may lower libido. Seek help from your naturopath or OB-GYN to remedy root causes if applicable.
  4. Consider maca root. This herb has been shown to improve libido, mood, energy levels and diminish menopausal symptoms like hot flashes for some women. Start with a smaller dose and work your way up slowly.
  5. Try arginine or zinc supplementation. Arginine improves blood flow while zinc supports estrogen production. Deficiencies in these minerals can impact sensation and arousal over time.
  6. Exercise regularly but don't overdo intense workouts. Movement gets blood flowing, but too much stress on the body can backfire. Aim for a balanced routine you enjoy like yoga, dancing, hiking or water sports.
  7. Nourish your body and mood with nutrients. Focus on a Mediterranean-style diet rich in produce, whole grains, fatty fish, herbs, spices. Limit processed junk, alcohol and gluten/dairy if problematic. Choosing foods that lift your spirits and energy makes me want to feel and connect better with my partner.
  8. Relax thoroughly before sex. Whether through an Epsom salt bath, aromatherapy massage, meditation - unwind fully to release anxious thoughts and tensions in the body. A calm, receptive state enhances arousal.

You've got this! Experiment with different strategies and give them several weeks to produce results naturally. Be patient with your body and celebrate improvements, no matter how small. With time and consistency, you'll optimize your wellness from the inside out.